The documentary collects the experiences of several workers in the canning industry on the Island of Arousa, where one of the first canning companies was located, that of Goday, founded in 1879. The documentary highlights the important work of women in the evolution of a key food sector for the region of Galicia en for Spain, the fish-canning industry. Luisa Muñoz-Abeledo, specialist in labor history in maritime communties, collaborates in this documentary, which shows the most human face of an industry that was born in the 19th century and continues to nowadays giving employment to thousands of women.

The audiovisual sample can be seen through the website:


Memorias en conserva

O documental recolle as experiencias laborais de mulleres que traballaron para a industrias conserveira da Illa de Arousa, onde estaba localizada a fábrica de Goday, fundada en 1879. O documental mostra a importancia do traballo das mulleres neste sector chave da industrialización da rexión. O documental mostra a cara mais humana desta industria nacida no século XIX e que ainda emprega hoxe en día a milleiros de mulleres ao longo das áreas onde se localiza. Luisa Muñoz Abeledo, membro de GESPIC e especialista en historia do traballo, colabora no mesmo.

O documental pode ser visto na web